Flickr Photos
As I mentioned earlier, I'm shutting down my Yahoo! account following Yahoo!'s hiring of the president of PayPal as its CEO. So I used the Flickr to WP plugin to migrate my photos here. They're presented here using the Lightbox Gallery plugin.
Flickr Sets
- Geek Ninja Battle Night photos (2011)
- Head conference studio setup (2008)
- FITC 2007
- Pups in cars (yeah it's a bit random)
- Unpacking the Apple TV
And here are some miscellaneous photos that were not in any sets:
- I agrees with youz.
(See all the intellectual feedback you’re missing by not having comments enabled on your blog, Jeremy?) :P
- The autofocus/macro lens on the iPhone 3G S is beautiful
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Uploaded with Realmac Software's LittleSnapper.
- Welcome, US Homeland Security-style.
- The gardening section was twice as large as the computing section (two shelves instead of one).
The teen fiction section was about eight shelves.
- This was the entire computing section at the Waterstone's in the mall in Tunbridge Wells.
A sad reflection of the importance of computing education in the UK? Check out the other picture of the gardening section.
- A lovely traditional tea house in an unexpected place, nestled within the food court of the mall in Tunbridge Wells. The friendly staff member in the photo is Lizzy.
- This little chocolate bee graced Steph's mom's Christmas tree.
- One of the many baubles in Louise's tree.
- Enhanced, like the other photos, by the Lola "camera" in camerabag.
- T'was a lovely dinner at Steph's mom's.
- Yes, you can open them _after_ I've taken this snap!
- Maybe I could get used to this Christmas thing after all :P
- ... umm, well, it's an Xmas tree.
- Just Stephanie, Louise, and Tim (Steph's uncle). And me, of course.
- Completely different to "tree during day".
- This little guy kept us company in our room.
- What can I say, my MacBook Pro enjoys a comfortable life.
- ... then again!
Snapped at the Solutions Apple Store which, conveniently enough, I happen to live above.
- We're going to burn the clocks, the wonderful clocks of Oz.
- Brighton beach will be thine end.
- Christmas decorations at Nia, the restaurant in the North Laine.
- A terrible, scary incident.
- Stephanie made me a stocking for Christmas. And filled it up with wonderful things :)
- Crepes & co also does omlettes now. Yum!
- Uploaded with AirMe
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- Since the MacBook Pro is busy being used as a viewfinder, I use the Eee PC to check the recorded video on Qik and make updates the Flickr, etc. - Uploaded with AirMe
- This is how the MacBook Pro sees the scene - Uploaded with AirMe
- Dad at Moshi - Uploaded with AirMe
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- Love the packaging.
- The Cobu moo card holder comes in a lovely little box.
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Had to pick it up from Hove. Better than Gatwick which is where they originally wanted me to pick it up from.
- Uploaded with AirMe
- I made a Banini - like a Bellini but with banana. A certain someone compared it to "vomit". (I quite liked it!)
My second cocktail attempt was vodka, lots of lime and lemon and sugar. That came out better but boy, was it strong!
- Relly, Freya, and Stephanie look through Relly's scrapbooking goodies.
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
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- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Cone. Statue. Cone + Statue.
Uploaded with AirMe
- Bumped into Andrew at the Waterstone's.
Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Finally the divorce is finalized and it only took, what, two years. Beware of online divorce services unless you have the time and know what you're doing.
The world's not ready for Divorce 2.0.
Uploaded with AirMe
- Neat idea - couldn't resist that either! :)
- As seen in Snooper's Paradise.
Uploaded with AirMe
- With _chocolate_ cream; as it should be!
- (Not a BNP restaurant as I originally thought.)
- Maybe they shouldn't have given David a Guest account. Ba-da-bing-bada-boom! Brrrrrr!
- We're driving to see our lawyer, the wonderful lawyer of Oz!
- You know, if the first two didn't do it for you, I don't think that the third one's going to help.
- Ah, Costa - a Brighton cafe without crazies.
- Your friendly neighborhood crepe-makers :)
- Yummy breakfast crepe (not shown).
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Unlike the train into London in the morning, I wasn't surrounded on all sides by wheezing and coughing people.
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Google Developer Day after party.
- This was a missed chance at a great ice-breaker. The little Google men USB sticks came in multiple colors and had interchangeable parts.
Pity Tom wouldn't give me a piece of his yellow man.
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Uploaded with AirMe
- Hey Geoff, Brandie -- is this cool to use on the conference site?
(Sorry for cutting you out Brandie!) :)
- United Kingdom
- United KingdomEnglandBrighton
- United KingdomEnglandBrighton
- Ted Patrick poses on the roof of the McCormick Convention Center.
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom
- An update on Flex.
- A Yahoo! developer talks about Flash at the MAX keynote.
- I don't think we're in FITC anymore, Toto.
- Mr. Photoshop in mid-sentence.
- During the speaker's dinner at MAX Chicago 2007. Crappy quality courtesy of iPhone :)
- I snap you with my iPhone, you snap me. One more time now...
- We met Philip Desenne and Nick Lamphere at Harvard for lunch. Philip gave us a tour of the campus -- nice! :)
- SWX Moo stickers. The SWX mascot's name is Datum and he comes in a SWF shell :)
- Chris Allen and Ralph Hauwert laugh it up on the terrace of a pub during FITC
- Chris Allen, Ralph Hauwert, Lisa Larson in the foreground with Carlos Ulloa and Mario Klingemann in the back.
- The side tables have convenient drawers and match the look of the bed with the same faux leather.
- The memory mattress is lovely. I'm very picky about my bed and this baby is a joy to sleep on. I'd be really sad if the flat I'm moving into didn't have exactly the same mattress (what luck!)
- It's a lovely set. I'm going to miss it. But the one in the new (furnished) apartment is really cool too. (Clock not included!) :)
- It's the bed, and, umm, the other side table! :)
- It's a kingsize bed with a memory mattress and matching side tables. All yours for £500 (I paid over £1,000 for the set at the end of last year!) Clock, phone and bin not included :)
- Shuriken is Jesse's lightweight component set for Flash Lite.
- The beginnings of a twittercode installation experiment. These are barcode representations of twitter updates - Taken at 5:45 PM on April 19, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Hard at work as usual :)
- Return of the fire.
- Oh no, I hope I haven't jinxed it. Don't want to wait a few more years for lunch.
- Anja assesses the readiness quotient of the bbq.
- Let's cook the next one! :)
- The first braai at Niqui's
- I love the light especially -- it's actually a modern bulb but looks very classical.
- I love this house -- it's across from the Argus lofts.
- More of the new graffiti being sprayed by the Argus lofts.
- They're just painting some new commissioned work by the Argus lofts. Had a chat with the artist - nice guy.
- I just love how web is in all caps.
- A cafe prepares for the day.
- The sea this morning looks laid out like a sheet. A slight breeze cools me on yet another sunny morning. I love to be out when the town's still asleep.
- I saw this while watching twitter stream. A little while later I saw the actual shortest. It was empty :)
- Drew's icons fly by in 46" glory as I test my SWX twitter app with the public timeline.
- And watching MotorStorm
- Playing on the PS3
- Get a £28 cable at the local Apple store or a £9 adapter from Curry's. My screen only has two HDMI inputs anyway.
- Apparently the candy dispenser does work. Got me some :)
- Jeremy, Jessica and the gang.
- Salter Cane before the show.
- Why didn't anyone tell me?
- He saw, he stencilled, he sprayed.
- Now he's pissed off.
- I read somewhere today that it might be rebuilt within four years.
- The title says it all! :)
- ... and lived. Or maybe I should wait ten minutes before making such a claim. Guess where I am! :)
- Getting the PS3 on the net wasn't a seamless experience. The form here, for example, lets you submit it even if you have empty fields, only to tell you on the next page. More troubling: the unit's MAC address is nowhere to be found. I had to exit the setup app to find it. But at least it comes with WiFi. Which I also doubted for a moment because the initial error message mentions an ethernet cable.
- Simply beautiful! :)
- So this is how Adobe's marketing CS3 - at least at my local Apple reseller. Tried using it but didn't get any candy :)
- It's getting bloody expensive! :)
- The sign clearly says "wait" :)
- Umm, boats.
- Apparently not moi :)
- An old friend from Cyprus and her hubby are over and I'm showing them round town.
- We don't miss any chance to throw ourselves on the beach here in Brighton! :)
- They're setting up for the Rocky Horror Show. It starts today. Who wants to go?
- They didn't get their delivery again at the office so I'm having cake for breakfast. Can't be too good for you but it sure is yum!
- After another lovely morning stroll :)
- This chap apparently just wanted to borrow a chair.
- Dr. Who event at the Borders?
- At the office. Looks like Pete's slacking off.
- On the train into London. We're pulling into London Bridge now.
- Pete and Josh aren't :) Can you believe I'm having a salad at GBK!
- Having a tapas plate to share at Las Iguanas but not sharing :)
- Looking towards New Road. New indeed!
- It feels like the whole town is under construction! :)
- On my way back from dropping off the iPod, I couldn't resist splurging on this classic phone. It's a refurbished 746. Got it from the Grace & Wonder in the lanes.
- But for how much longer? I wonder when the Borders will be closing down.
- This is the only store I could find that has men's swimming trunks in central Brighton.
- The sun, this morning. Typing this on my ThinkOutside Stowaway keyboard that I've just dusted off. It's going to be hugely useful for annotating pics from my mobile.
- It had to happen: yogurt with rounded corners. What's next? Yajax?
- How hard is it to find a pair of swimming trunks in Brighton? Very, apparently. Finally found a pair at this place. What a hassle. I blame the fashion for shorts.
- I just had to capture this scene: The orange coat goes really well with the color scheme of the sign he's standing by and the tire just accentuates the cycle shop sign further.
- Pompoko on church st. Across from the corn exchange.
- Taken at 9:19 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:19 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:19 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:19 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:20 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:20 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:21 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:21 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:21 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:01 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:44 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:43 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:42 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:42 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:41 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:41 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:40 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:39 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:38 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:38 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:35 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:34 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:34 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 8:33 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- And they're selling what exactly? :) - Taken at 8:30 AM on March 25, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Niqui's masterpiece du jour :) - Taken at 7:50 PM on March 24, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- She really was. I think. - Taken at 6:46 PM on March 24, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- True love! - Taken at 6:45 PM on March 24, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Your's truly, in silhouette - Taken at 6:26 AM on March 22, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- The sunrise as seen from my bed this morning -- what a way to wake! - Taken at 5:54 AM on March 22, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Well, redder than usual :) - Taken at 5:24 PM on March 16, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Niqui wearing a real (not photoshopped or nosified) red nose - Taken at 7:45 PM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Dave contemplating his next move on the guitar - Taken at 5:06 PM on March 16, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- ... keeps the neighbours at bay. Or something like that. Part of the Dave-Playing-The-Guitar-At-My-Place series. - Taken at 5:06 PM on March 16, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Dave, playing the guitar at my place - Taken at 5:05 PM on March 16, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I tried my hand at grilling some fish and it wasn't a disaster! - Taken at 9:51 PM on March 19, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I was proud of my handiwork in making the bed this morning -- I thought it looked mucho professional :) The artwork in the frame is a gift from my childhood neighbours in Malaysia. They gave it to me when I was over there a little over a year ago - Taken at 5:36 AM on March 19, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- It looked like rain was coming in but it seems to have cleared up now - Taken at 8:57 AM on March 18, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- You can't really see the waves in the sea from the photo but they were there! Now if something could be done about that building... - Taken at 8:56 AM on March 18, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I was thinking of jumping over to the neighbouring rooftop to get a better shot but then I thought that being seen jumping across roofs with so many police present probably would not have been the smartest thing! :) - Taken at 1:13 PM on March 17, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- People protesting the war in Iraq and supporters of Palestine block Queens Road - Taken at 1:11 PM on March 17, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Niqui cooked up a lovely dinner of swordfish and calamari - Taken at 7:16 PM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Looking out towards a phantomesque row of houses shrouded in fog.
- Taken at 8:06 AM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Looking out towards the sea-front from the front terrace. Fog, glorious fog!
- Taken at 8:04 AM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- The station is only a two-minute walk from my flat and yet it's hidden from view this morning.
- Taken at 8:03 AM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- A view of Brighton in the fog. Extra points if you can spot Dave and Josh's house! :)
- Taken at 7:55 AM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- When I opened my eyes this morning, I found myself living in a cloud. I took this a little later, when visibility had improved slightly.
- Taken at 7:53 AM on March 15, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Rocky Horror Show at Theatre Royal Brighton, April 2-7. Who wants to go?
- Taken at 10:34 AM on March 13, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I love how the Banksy by The Albert now has protective glass over it. Viva Brighton! :)
- Taken at 10:29 AM on March 13, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- A painting by the table.
- Taken at 8:01 AM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- null
- Taken at 7:56 AM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- A close-up of the table arrangement at breakfast.
- Taken at 8:02 AM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Looking out from the Schoolhouse restaurant.
- Taken at 7:59 AM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Breakfast in Dublin.
- Taken at 7:57 AM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I an so not vegetarian. Beef chop they call it at the Schoolhouse restaurant in Dublin. They should call it pure decadence. Yum!
- Taken at 8:43 PM on March 11, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Another day, another windows error dialog on a kiosk. This one was at the Air Lingus lounge at Dublin airport.
- Taken at 7:53 PM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Surely the mouse pointer is not meant to be showing on this screen at Gatwick.
- Taken at 10:49 PM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Back from Ireland. No more roaming - fly free Shozu!
- Taken at 11:01 PM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Don't you love it when public info screens go wrong?
- Taken at 10:59 PM on March 12, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Niqui snaps the Wii-ing ones as Pete and Richard look on.
- Taken at 9:39 PM on March 05, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Paul and Richard watch others as they Wii.
- Taken at 9:39 PM on March 05, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- null
- Taken at 4:11 PM on March 10, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Not a BSOD but still. At Churchill Square mall.
- Taken at 5:09 PM on March 09, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Bumped into Gareth at the Borders. He's here for the pre-barcamp Brighton meeting.
- Taken at 6:03 PM on March 08, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- I caught sight of this couple at the airport. Notice the notebook. How cool!
- Taken at 9:48 AM on September 10, 2006 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Anja's just returned from SA and this is the first pic from my new N73. Love the integrated Flickr app.
- Sea gull, lamp post, sky
- A simple salad with baby lettuce and spinach leaves and vine tomatoes. Served with Blackforest ham.
- Taken at 4:06 PM on September 08, 2006; cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 2:53 PM on September 08, 2006; cameraphone upload by ShoZu
- Taken at 9:46 PM on September 06, 2006; cameraphone upload by ShoZu
by Paul Ardeleanu on 2012-01-11 23:18:49