Unpacking the Apple TV (UK) - photos
- Picked up an Apple TV at the Apple store on Regent St. yesterday before the Adobe CS3 launch party.
- Why do I feel the urge to document the unpacking of my Apple TV? Apple totally groks packaging and the unwrapping experience and the Apple TV is no exception.
- A close-up of the back of the box.
- The sight that greets you when you open the box. Simple, elegant, sexy!
- It's little things like the transparent tab that allows you to pull out the remote without hassle that makes the experience special. Microsoft doesn't get this. They would have put two remotes in there as a value proposition, both of which you would have had to struggle to remove.
- Apple TV doesn't handle networks that use MAC address filtering gracefully.
- The MAC address for the Apple TV is printed in tiny letters on the back of the box. You will need to add this to your router if you are using MAC address filtering *before* you start the Apple TV if you want a seamless experience.
- This is the default screensaver on the Apple TV that kicked in as I'm waiting for the iTunes update to complete.