SWX Mondays at Chez Aral

Swx Mondays at Chez Aral

Starting next week (July 16th) and every Monday afterwards, I am going to be opening my doors to developers interested in learning and hacking with SWX at SWX Mondays at Chez Aral.

If you're in Brighton or nearby in the UK, why not come down and hang out?

These are Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) events at my house where I present the latest updates to SWX and where we can all hack cool SWX stuff together.

SWX Mondays are open to developers of all levels and you don't even have to know Flash (yes, SWX is that simple and we'll be happy to help you get started!)

Free wifi, free drinks and nibbles, and lots of free SWX (before you get too excited, that's with a "W", not an "E"!) :)

Please add your name to the guest list on Upcoming if you wish to attend next week's inaugural SWX Monday.
