Moving my feed to feedburner
Dave's finally convinced me to go with feedburner for my RSS feeds. The changeover should be transparent, thanks to a nifty little Wordpress plugin called FeedSmith.
If you notice any issues with the new system, please let me know.
Update: Very interesting: I don't know if it's related or not but since enabling feedburner today, I've been seeing a huge spike in the amount of trackback spam that appears to be getting through Akismet (especially, it seems, after enabling the FeedFlare feature on the site). I've temporarily re-enabled Bad Behavior to see if it will help with this. Again, it may just be a coincidence and I will disable Bad Behavior again if it doesn't help so as not to get anyone erroneously barred from commenting (Bad Behavior has a nasty habit of blacklisting people by mistake).
by Thom Shannon on 2007-06-07 13:29:42
by Jolyon on 2007-06-07 14:21:24
by aral on 2007-06-07 17:06:09