OSFlash Job Board: Now affordable! :)

We've reduced the cost of posting a job on the OSFlash job board to a far more affordable $50 per job.

It used to be $200 per job, which I personally thought was really excessive! Thankfully, Dave updated his Joard job board engine so that job board owners can now set their own prices so I've lowered it to the lowest it allows.

Dave, can you believe it, I'm actually blogging the price reduction finally -- will miracles ever cease? (And there's 20 minutes to go to midnight so I theoretically could have put this off for at least another quarter of an hour without breaking my word!) :P

Oh yeah, and $50 US actually means £26.40 or so (depending on the current exchange rate) in the UK. not something ridiculous like £50. See, Adobe, it can be done! (And I live in the UK for goodness sake!)

OK, that's it for the word from our sponsors, now back to late-night SWX hacking in preparation for the Beta. This must be what prolonged childbirth must be like... I really want this beta to pop out now. Come on baby, o-n-e   m-o-r-e   p-u-s-h !
