Upcoming conferences: September '06
I'm going to be speaking at a number of conferences during September, starting with d.construct, the web standards/web applications conference, on the 9th in Brighton (UK). My session at d.construct is titled Mash My Flex Up and in it I will be talking about building mashups using Flex 2 and ActionScript 3.
On the 10th, I'll be flying to Austin, Texas to present a workshop on Flex 2 and ActionScript 3 at FlashForward Austin 2006. I will also be presenting a session called Supercharging Flash in which I will demonstate both open source and closed source extensions for the Flash IDE that improve your workflow and increase your daily level of happiness :)
From Austin, I will be flying to Berlin with my friends, Pete Barr-Watson and Heather Ford who were kind enough to invite me to present with them at the iCommons workshop at the Wizards of OS conference on the 16th.
My focus will be on the challenges (and rewards) of being engaged in open source development on a proprietary platform, on the strides that have been made in the Flash Platform over the last 10 years, on dispelling the myths that still surround the platform and on the role of open source and iCommons on a "semi-open" platform like the Flash platform.
It's going to be a busy month but I'm really looking forward to it. I will also be presenting at a couple of conferences in the remainder of the year, including Flash on the Beach in December, but I'll talk more about those later.
by Brandon Ellis on 2006-08-13 01:34:23
by aral on 2006-08-13 10:53:40