Latest Miranda nightly build rocks!
I was getting a little frustrated with Miranda IM, the multi-IM app that Jonas infected me with a little while back after either a Windows update (or updates on AOL/ICQs networks) started to make it crash (first on start-up and now, regularly, on shutdown.) Today, I noticed that Yahoo wasn't connecting. This was with the current stable release (v0.4).
A few moments ago, I downloaded the latest nightly build dated 2005-05-16 (v0.4.0.1a12) and boy, what an improvement :) (Make sure you backup your plugins before installing the new version and then don't forget to merge your plugins after the install.)
First and foremost, I love the use of frames so that my various plugins all look like they're part of the app now. Much easier to manage. This appears to the big new feature. However, the app's also more stable and I haven't experienced any crashes at startup or shutdown and Yahoo's working again :)
I do hope that they come out with the final release soon though.
[Update] If you have Miranda, you should definitely pick up the tabSRMM (0.0.8; latest stable release) (get the actual latest release from the IEView releases page -- I'm running without problems), along with the IEView plugin and then check out the various templates available. I personally love the Satin template.
I'd also recommend installing either the scriver or tabsrmm plugins for tabbed message windows.
by Ryan Matsikas on 2005-05-16 20:06:10
...these guys are a bit crazy on releases. So they take like 1 year to get a stable release out (and only do so when they remember that some people actually downloads it from the site, and they remember they have a site to add it to).
So if you're feeling your miranda needs a bit of a revamp, just download the nightly builds. They're usually stable enough and add lots of fixes/features that the 'stable' versions will take decades to add.
Also, in true miranda developer fashion, they change the nighly url all the time.. not to keep it safe/secret, but because they feel like changing it. So you may have to hunt it in the future.
by zeh on 2005-05-17 04:51:49