Feathers nominated for .net award: Mobile App of the Year – please vote for it!

Feathers decorate your tweets

I've been so busy in the past month, doing my courses in Ghent and Brighton and the opening keynotes for Frontend2010 and Over The Air in Oslo and London that I completely missed the email a few weeks ago from .net magazine informing me that Feathers nominated for .net award. Please vote for it! Feathers has been nominated for Mobile App of the Year at the .net awards.

The initial round of nominees makes it to the second round of judging based on your votes. So, if you have a moment, please vote for Feathers at the .net awards!

It is hugely humbling to have been nominated, and to be in the presence of such other great nominees: Facebook, Dropbox, Foursquare, Gowalla, Instapaper, Things, Amazon, and Wordpress.
