References to methods are a JavaScript minefield

Your code, doing exactly what you told it to (as always).
So, tell me what’s wrong with the following code:
// ms s m h
const ONE_DAY = 1000*60*60*24
class Certificate {
#renewalDate = null
constructor() {
// Renewal is in thirty days.
#renewalDate = new Date( + ONE_DAY*30)
// In a real app, you’d save the returned interval id
// and clear it when you no longer need it.
setInterval(this.checkForRenewal, ONCE_A_DAY)
async checkForRenewal() {
console.log('Checking if certificate needs to be renewed…')
const currentDate = new Date()
if (currentDate >= this.#renewalDate) {
await this.renewCertificate()
console.log('Certificate renewed.\n')
} else {
console.log('Certificate does not need renewing yet.\n')
What if I told you it crashes when it tries to check for renewal the second time?
Not very obvious is it?
Checking if certificate needs to be renewed…
Certificate does not need renewing yet.
Checking if certificate needs to be renewed…
(node:3035) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read private member #renewalDate from an object whose class did not declare it
(You might want to set the duration to something lower, like 3 seconds, if you don’t want to wait around for a day to see the error for yourself.) :)
References to methods in JavaScript are a runtime minefield
So the problem is on this line in the constructor:
setInterval(this.checkForRenewal, ONCE_A_DAY)
Can you see it yet?
(I don’t blame you, if not.)
Do as I think, not as I say
Debugging is the subtle art of reconciling what you think you asked a computer to do with what you actually asked a computer to do.
What we think we’re doing here is passing a reference to the checkForRenewal()
method on the Certificate
class to the setInterval()
But what we’re actually doing – because method references are not closures in JavaScript – is passing a reference to the checkForRenewal()
function to setInterval()
What’s the difference? Oh, about one crash.1
But wait a minute, if that’s the reason, isn’t the error message confusing? Yes, yes it is. (It’s so confusing that I’m writing this revised blog post because of it. – thanks, Tom!)
The red herring
Let’s remember what the error says:
TypeError: Cannot read private member #renewalDate from an object whose class did not declare it
This makes it sound like a private member called #renewalDate
exists on the this
reference but you don’t have permission to access it when actually, it doesn’t.
The actual issue
Let’s remove the use of private fields to make things clearer and easier to understand.
Remove all the octothorpes from the code and run it again, adding a console.log(this)
statement to the start of the checkForRenewal()
When you run it, you should see something similar to the following when the first the renewal check is run as a method call:
Certificate { renewalDate: 2021-03-09T17:36:40.821Z }
Right, so that’s what we expect. But the second time we see any console output, we’re running the unbound function reference, not the method, so we get the following for this
Timeout {
_idleTimeout: 3000,
_idlePrev: null,
_idleNext: null,
_idleStart: 3057,
_onTimeout: [AsyncFunction: checkForRenewal],
_timerArgs: undefined,
_repeat: 3000,
_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: true,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 2,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 1
So our initially unbound function reference has been bound by the setInterval()
method to a Timeout
Also note what we don’t get: an error.
As far as our code is concerned, the certificate does not need renewing. This is because of the implicit type conversions JavaScript performs:
// Our original conditional
currentDate >= this.renewalDate
// Becomes:
Number(currentDate) >= Number(this.renewalDate)
// Becomes:
Number(currentDate) >= NaN // which is always false.
So without the use of private class fields, our code just fails silently (the silent killer).
Things are slightly better when you try to access a private class field from the callback function since at least it fails. But, sadly, we get a misleading error message that makes it sound like our initial unbound function reference was actually a closure all along.
The fix
The fix, simply, is to make sure you bind the function reference to its instance:2
setInterval(this.checkForRenewal.bind(this), ONCE_A_DAY)
Now, I can bet that the number of times you’re going to write that code out of the gate without getting bitten by this bug is exactly zero. Even after you’ve read this.3
But maybe you’ll remember this post and catch yourself after you’ve written it and fix it.
And it also shows you private class fields do help by at least not failing silently, even if the error they do fail with is confusing.
Stay safe out there, kids! :)
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This little bug, looming in the latest Site.js code is what took down the Small Web site yesterday when its Let’s Encrypt certificate expired because of it.
I issued a new release of Site.js that fixes it a few hours after I was informed of it and the server auto-healed at around 3:30AM when it auto-updated to the latest release. ↩︎
As Mark Hughes pointed out on the fediverse, you can also use a closure instead of the
method. e.g.,;(() => setInterval(this.checkForRenewal, ONCE_A_DAY))()
Personally, I find that using the
method expresses intent more clearly and is easier to understand but not everyone agrees. ↩︎ -
This is also exactly the kind of bug that is difficult to catch with tests. (I had tests for every method on there but I wasn’t calling them from unbound callbacks so I never triggered the issue.) ↩︎