Aral Balkan

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fs-extra to fs

I’m a big fan of the fs-extra module for Node.js. It has made my life much easier over the years. However, as I migrate my modules from CommonJS to ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and as I’m looking at bundling Place into a single JS file for deployment using esbuild, I’ve started removing third-party dependencies wherever I can easily replicate their behaviour using modules from the Node standard library.

For the move from fs-extra to fs, this is helped by Node.js implementing some of the features that were hitherto unique to fs-extra in version 14.x (LTS).

(There still isn’t an equivalent for recursive copying in the standard library. So you’re probably better off sticking to fs-extra is you need that functionality.)

So, without further ado, here’s a short summary of fs-extra methods and their equivalents in Node’s standard fs module that I’ve encountered, both as a reference for you and for my future self. (I’ll add to the list as I find more.)

Methods that need migrating

Not every fs method is re-implemented in fs-extra. It simply proxies calls to the built-in module for any methods it does not implement itself. These are the methods that have custom implementations that will need migration:

copy, emptyDir, ensureFile, ensureDir, ensureLink, ensureSymlink, mkdirp, mkdirs, move, outputFile, outputJson, pathExists, readJson, remove, writeJson

This post is not an exhaustive give to every method, just the ones I’ve had to migrate myself.

For simplicity, sync methods are shown, but the changes apply equally to the async methods.

Creating recursive directories




fs.mkdirSync('/some/directory/structure/', { recursive: true })

Removing a directory and all its contents and not failing if the directory doesn’t exist




fs.rmSync('/some/directory', { recursive: true, force: true })

Regular expression find/replace




fs.rmSync($1, {recursive: true, force: true})

Moving a directory on the same device (and overwriting the destination if it exists)


fs.moveSync(sourcePath, destinationPath, { overwrite: true })


fs.renameSync(sourcePath, destinationPath)

Note: these are not strictly equivalent. The move methods in fs-extra act like the mv command and they will work across devices also. The rename methods in fs work like the rename system call and will not work across devices. Having Node’s rename methods work across devices is currently marked as a “won’t fix.”

Also, the overwrite: true behaviour is the default/only behaviour in the standard library.

Regular expression find/replace


fs.moveSync\((.+?), (.+?)(, .+?)?\)


fs.renameSync($1, $2)

Copying a file


fs.copySync(sourcePath, destinationPath)


fs.copyFileSync(sourcePath, destinationPath)

Copying a folder recursively

Sadly, there’s no simple way to do this using the standard fs module as it only provides a copyFile() method and does not have the equivalent of fs-extra’s copy() method.

Ensuring that a directory exists




function ensureDirSync (directory) {
  if (!fs.existsSync(directory)) {
    fs.mkdirSync(directory, { recursive: true })


Note: fs-extra also supports an option that is either an integer or {mode: <integer>}. If you need that functionality, use the fs.chmodSync() method after creating the directory.

Writing a file





Note that with fs-extra, if the parent directory doesn’t exist, it is created.

Bonus: promises and async/await

To use the asynchronous methods in Node’s fs module with async/await, import the fs/promises module instead. Note that the latter does not include the synchronous methods or stream methods.

e.g., To remove a directory recursively and not fail if it doesn’t exist:

import fsPromises from 'fs/promises'

fsPromises.rm('/some/directory', {recursive: true, force: true})

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