Hypha Spike: WebRTC 1

A hypercore replicating over WebRTC between two browsers
Following on from (and in conjunction with) the Hypha Spike: DAT 1, this spike aims to:
- Replicate a hypercore from browser-to-browser using WebRTC.
Iteration plan
- Create a simple single-page web application that replicates a passed read key (equivalent to the native replication script)

The servers
Run the Hypha DAT 1 Spike (blog post) in a separate browser and copy the hyphalink.
Run a local instance of signalhub
npm install -g signalhub cd <dat-1-spike-directory>/server signalhub listen -p 445 --key localhost-key.pem --cert localhost.pem
Paste the hyphalink into the hyphalink field and press the Connect button.
- No special notes/gotchas. Worked out of the box.