Aral Balkan

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Hypha Spike: Deployment 1

Source code

Wait, what, we’re deploying Hypha (subscribe via RSS) – but we haven’t even built it yet?!



Design and scope limitation for the spike

There are two interrelated processes to deploying your own instance of Hypha:

  1. Domain registration and/or DNS setup
  2. VPS server setup
  3. TLS setup

There is a somewhat cyclic relationship between these three steps as they each depend on the other for certain information.

The DNS setup requires the IP address of the server and the server needs to know the domain that it will be responding for. To complicate things a little more, the domain name has to propagate before we can obtain a free TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

Also, steps 1 and 2 have a commercial aspect.

For the purposes of this spike, I want to concentrate only on Step 2: automating the VPS server setup.


VPS accounts are available for a couple of euros per month these days and many support cloud-config syntax (examples) via the cloud-init standard by Canonical as part of the new instance provisioning process via a ‘user data’ field on their online forms or via their APIs. Supported operating systems include Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, RHEL, CentOS, and others.

In this spike, I’m going to explore using cloud-init to set up a server so that we can automatically:

Thankfully, Canonical has a tool called multipass that lets you easily spin up Ubuntu instances locally and pass them a cloud-init file. I’ll be using that to iterate on the cloud-init script.


Add an account so you can ssh into the instance

    groups: sudo
    shell: /bin/bash

Replace <INSERT ACCOUNT NAME HERE> with the account name you want (e.g., this is the <account name>@<your instance ip> that you will use to SSH into the instance).

Replace <INSERT SSH PUBLIC KEY HERE> with your public SSH key, which you can most likely find in ~/.ssh/

For example, if your account name is indie, you want the instance to be called hypha, and you save the above file as cloud-init.yaml, you can start up a new instance and connect to it over SSH:

  1. Create an launch the hypha instance:

    multipass launch --name hypha --cloud-init cloud-init.yaml
  2. List the available instances to find the IP address of the new hypha instance (e.g.,

    multipass list
  3. Connect via SSH:

    ssh indie@

Here is a good article on users and groups.

For the final cloud init file, with many more tasks, see cloud-init.yaml and read the comments.


To explore in future spikes


We can get a server up and running with a Node.js app in ~ 2 minutes 30 seconds without any optimisations. This could be hugely optimised for everyday use later by having prebuilt server images but it is entirely acceptable as-is for use by developer to deploy their own copy of Hypha. Even when TLS is supported, the longest part of a developer getting up and running with their own node of Hypha will be the DNS propagation.



Server setup

Promising discoveries

(Unused in current spike but might be useful in the future.)