Better Blocker 2018.2 release for macOS and iOS

Better running on my iPhone and Mac.
Laura and I are happy to announce that Better Blocker version 2018.2 is now available for purchase for iPhone, iPad, and Mac on the App Store and Mac App Store.
As always, you can also grab the source code and build it for your devices yourself as Better Blocker is freedom software and licensed under GPLv3+. (If you do want to see Better continue to exist, please consider funding, our two-person-and-one-husky not-for-profit.)
What’s new?
With this new release, we are also tweaking the App Store pricing slightly. Better Blocker, prior to the 2018.1 release, used to be priced at Tier 5 ($4.99/£4.99/€5.49) on macOS and iOS.
With the 2018.1 release, we dropped the price to the lowest possible tier on both platforms. While this has resulted in unit sales increasing, it hasn’t translated into higher proceeds for our tiny not-for-profit. After seeking feedback from the community, we’ve decided to move the pricing from Tier 1 to Alternate Tier 1 on iOS ($0.99/£0.99/€1.99) and from Tier 1 to Alternate Tier 2 on macOS ($1.99/£1.99/€2.99). While this is a small change on the individual level and should not negatively impact the number of units sold, it should hopefully mean that the proceeds will increase and that we can afford to keep working on Better in a more sustainable manner.
On that last note, Laura updated the blocking rules again on November 3rd. The latest rules come bundled with the apps and you can always check for and update to the latest rules from within the apps themselves.
Please tell your friends
If you are enjoying Better, please do tell your friends. We don’t have a marketing budget so word of mouth is the only way people have of finding out about it.
Finally, a big thank-you, once again, to those of you who leave us wonderful reviews on the App Store and send us lovely messages via email and on Mastodon and elsewhere. It means a lot and really brightens up our days.