Off to Denmark for Smukfest

Laura and me, in a car at silly o’clock.
I’m in a car at silly o’clock, being driven to the airport by the ever-wonderful Laura.

Me, on a plane at also silly o’clock.
I’m on a plane at also silly o’clock, en route to Denmark via London to speak at Smukfest tomorrow near Skanderborg.

Magazines and muffins FTW!
Landed at London Stansted airport and preparing to wait a couple of hours with three magazines (Linux Magazine, New Scientist, and New Philosopher)1, a lovely organic cappuccino, a lemon, lime, and ginger concoction of some persuasion, and an avocado and halloumi muffin.
TFW you realise you just summarised yourself with a stack of magazines 🙄 ↩︎