Spellcheck With Emacs on Termux

I missspell sometimes.
I’m using Emacs on Termux to blog with on my phone and realised that, by default, spellcheck doesn’t work. M-x ispell
(Altx ispell) fails with the error “Searching for program: no such file or directory, ispell”.
After investigating a bit, it turns out that neither ispell or aspell are available as packages for Termux. Instead, they’re concentrating their efforts on supporting hunspell.
To get spellcheck working under Emacs with hunspell:
Install the hunspell package
pkg install hunspell
Add the following to your Emacs configuration:
(setq ispell-program-name (executable-find "hunspell"))
Restart Emacs.
That should get you a spell checker in Emacs.