Bare-naked Flash at Highland Fling

I presented a new session, Bare-naked Flash: Dispelling myths and building bridges, to a roomful of Scottish web designers and developers in Edinburgh today at the Highland Fling conference.

I love this city; the architecture, the vibe. It's my second time in Edinburgh and I wish Stephanie and I could stay a few more days but Singularity beckons.

Alan White, Highland Fling creator and Very Cool Person™, has been taking wonderful care of us and a lovely time was had by all at the conference today. Paul Boag did an admirable job as master of ceremonies and the conference format worked wonderfully (each session was followed by a 10-15 minute relaxed interview and Q&A).

We're flying back to Brighton tomorrow evening and then it's back to work on Singularity for me. I have quite a few Singularity-related announcements to make this month and things are really kicking off!
