Ipswich Hospital - terrible bullying of elderly patient

I hate horrible people. Nothing justifies being horrible to -- in this case almost torturing -- another human being; I don't care how bad a day you've had.

A few moments ago, I read an email from my friend Relly, asking for help to publicize a very distressing incident that her friend witnessed at Ipswich Hospital. It involves the bullying of an elderly patient by the hospital staff.

I feel so angry, so compelled to do something that I'd really like your help. Below is a post from my blog quoting my friend who is very poorly but just witnessed some appalling bullying in an NHS hospital.

I just can't help thinking this could be my granny, or your granny.

If it makes you angry too, please link to my post on your blog. My friend wants to complain to the PCT but she just isn't well enough yet and me and my friends don't want it buried by the time she is able to complain. I'm hoping that a bit of rank and file noise from the internet might make the Chief Executive pay attention.

It just isn't right.

Read the eye-witness account of the terrible bullying of an elderly patient at Ipswich Hospital at Relly's blog.
