Redispatching a ResultEvent with the AS3 Lightweight Remoting Framework
If you want to redispatch a ResultEvent when using Danny Patterson's AS3 Lightweight Remoting Framework, you have to modify the ResultEvent class to override the clone() method.
So, if you want to do something like this:
private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
Just add the following method to com.dannypatterson.remoting.ResultEvent:
public override function clone():Event
return new ResultEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, result);
Ditto for the FaultEvent.
by Tink on 2008-01-10 00:05:58
by e1 on 2008-01-10 06:37:34
by Danny Patterson on 2008-07-02 04:02:38
by Tink on 2008-01-10 00:00:29
by Tink on 2008-01-10 00:02:15
by Tink on 2008-01-10 10:04:53
by Aral on 2008-01-10 10:35:20
by Folkert on 2008-01-10 17:58:56