What is Singularity? Find out!


Do you want to be one of the first to know what Singularity is?

Ask, and you shall know! :)

Just put one of these badges on your web site or blog and email me (aral at this domain) with a link to your site. In return, you will be among the very first to know what Singularity is before it is publicly announced.

(I've even made it super easy for Wordpress bloggers to put up a badge: there's a Wordpress widget you can use!)

I can't wait to share Singularity with you guys... it's killing me to keep it to myself!

Update: There was a missing closing style tag in the first version of the Wordpress widget that might result in your blog not displaying correctly when the badge is activated. I've fixed this and updated the widget to version 1.1. Please download version 1.1 of the Wordpress widget (3KB) and apologies for the hassle.

A big thank-you to Gert Poppe and David Arno for reporting this issue.
