An email about a little thing, or "this is why I love doing what I do"

I got this email just before the new year and, with Mark's permission, I want to share it with you. It's the little things like this – and knowing that what I do actually makes a difference – that make me happy.

From: Mark van Dorresteijn

Message: Hi Aral,

I've been looking forward to send you this message. At our company in Amsterdam, ReedBusiness, you talked about delights and how we can make our work more fun for us and for our customers. It got me thinking what I could do for our magazine Zorgvisie.

After a while I noticed our ReedBusiness e-mail addresses were kind of long. i.e. mine is: That's very exhausting to spell out everytime you give someone your address on the phone, especially when people like me give their address a couple of times a day.

So I figured we needed shorter e-mails. And I talked a bit with the ICT-guys. They were willing to help and make an alias for us.

So now we finally have

It's a real delight and it makes work more fun!

Sorry for the long story, but I thought you'd love to read about happy user experiences and the effect your story has on me.


